Little Hiccups is a charity that supports families that have a child(ren) under 16 with additional needs or a disability. The Education Act 2002 defines ‘additional needs’ as:
“the new concept of additional support needs refers to any child or young person who, for whatever reason, requires additional support for learning. Additional support needs can arise from any factor which causes a barrier to learning, whether that factor relates to social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, disability, or family and care circumstances and learning environment.”
Our remit as a Charity is to support additional needs that are specific to a disability, regardless of whether or not they are registered disabled or have an official diagnosis.
Within this remit, Little Hiccups does not want to put a label on what classes as an ‘additional need’ or ‘disability’ as the definition and range is so broad. Our emphasis will instead be on whether the family feels they need the support of the group.
We are however, completely self funded so need to ensure that the monies raised are getting to the right families that need the support the most. Consequently, we ask that families are honest and decide themselves that they feel that they are in need of the support of Little Hiccups.
Very occasionally we may have to admit that Little Hiccups is not the right environment for a particular child or family at that time; where this is the case, we will work with the family to find another suitable provision if possible.
We also ask that new members read our Behaviour Statement before joining. By joining Little Hiccups you are agreeing to abide by the Guidelines.