Little Hiccups is a Registered Charity (Charity Number 1170147) and we like to pride ourselves on good practice and are currently reviewing our Policies and Procedures. This will be a continual process and we will be updating this page regularly.
View our Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this policy is to set out the aims and objectives of Little Hiccups and how the Committee works to achieve these objectives. It also outlines how Little Hiccups will adhere to national standards and guidance to provide the best possible and safe support for children and their families and Little Hiccups Committee members.
- Little Hiccups Operational Policy (PDF)
Last Updated: May 2014
Little Hiccups recognise that sometimes things can go wrong. Little Hiccups is committed to ensuring the safety of Little Hiccups Trustees, volunteers, contractors families and visitors and this is taken seriously at every level in the organisation. Little Hiccups supports open and transparent systems of safety, and it is unacceptable to prioritise other objectives at the expense of safety. The organisation actively supports the promotion of a positive and fair blame approach to incidents and near miss reporting in a culture of openness and learning, which is fundamental to effective risk management and quality improvement. The organisation supports the view that the response to incidents should not be one of blame but of organisational learning to encourage participation in the overall process. The organisation is committed to developing a just culture, encouraging a willingness to admit mistakes without fear of punitive measures. Every incident report is seen as a learning and quality improvement opportunity. Incident reporting is more likely to take place in an organisation where there is a well developed safety culture and where there is strong leadership.
You can download this statement below:
- Adverse Incident Policy and Procedures (PDF)
Last Updated: April 2024
Little Hiccups provides opportunities for therapy, fun, friendship and enjoyment for children with additional needs, their brothers and sisters and parents, grandparents and carers and other supporters. Our aim is to be a fully inclusive and transparent charity.
We want to provide a safe, welcoming and fun environment for the whole family and therefore we expect that all staff, volunteers, parents, carers and children show respect, acceptance and tolerance to all who attend Little Hiccups sessions.
We encourage parents to use positive behaviour management and understand that different needs may present different behavioural challenges. We understand that behaviour is a form of communication and allow children to engage with the activities on offer however they feel comfortable, as long as they and the other people attending are safe.
Very occasionally, some sessions might not be suitable for some children. Either for a particular child on a particular day or at that particular stage of their development. We will gather information during the application process to ensure we know as much about your child’s needs as possible before a session to help us to decide with you if an activity is suitable or not. We want to support you and your children, so we will do our best to offer an alternative activity.
We will make reasonable adjustments to include all children where possible. For example, we could try to find extra staff or volunteers with relevant experience for additional support during a session. Or we could modify the experience provided in the session, on a planned future occasion, to better meet the child’s needs. In our Stay n Play sessions, we could arrange for the child to visit before the session starts so they are able to experience the environment with no other distractions around.
In extreme circumstances, we may have to admit that Little Hiccups is not the right environment for a particular child or family at that time; where this is the case, we will work with the family to find another suitable provision where possible. And of course, just because it is not right at the moment, does not mean that it will not be in the future. We will always be willing to try again.
If you feel, from the description of the experience provided by the session, and your experience of your child’s reaction to similar environments that a session would not be suitable, please let us know. We can look at the reasonable adjustments mentioned above to adapt the session to include your child or offer an alternative.
It could also become gradually evident during a session that a new environment and experience is causing a child to be distressed or to behave in a way likely to cause distress for the other children in the session. On this occasion, it might be necessary to end the child’s participation in the session. If a child’s reaction was thought to be likely to cause a risk to their own safety, or to the safety of others during the session, we might also need to
ask for the child to be withdrawn on that occasion. We would do this discreetly and respectfully.
Everyone at Little Hiccups wants to make attending Little Hiccups sessions a great experience for all the children who attend and their families. We have gained lots of experience over the years that we have been running sessions, but we really do need your expertise as parents and carers to help make this happen. So we would welcome any advice or feedback about services we offer, what we could provide in the future, and what we could try to do differently or as extra support for your child or other children with similar additional needs, to make it a better experience. It might take some time or even a bit of extra fundraising, but we will do our best to make it possible for everyone who comes to Little Hiccups to take away a great experience.
You can download this statement below:
- Behaviour Statement (PDF)
Last Updated: November 2021
As a charity reliant on the donations of individuals and fundraising, Little Hiccups is keen to ensure that money lost through cancellations is kept to an absolute minimum and that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend our events. It is important to be aware that Little Hiccups pays full price for tickets to events and offers the discount to Little Hiccups families at our cost.
We understand that from time to time participants may find themselves unexpectedly unable to attend an event they are booked onto. We therefore provide the following guidance. Please note this is only for events where Little Hiccups administers the bookings, and excludes external events that we occasionally advertise.
- Event Cancellation Policy (PDF)
Last updated September 2023
This Policy applies to all staff, including the board of Directors, any paid staff, volunteers, students, contractors and anyone working on behalf of Little Hiccups.
The purpose of this Policy:
- To protect children and young people who receive Little Hiccups’ services. This includes all children of adults who use our services
- To provide Directors, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding and child protection;
Little Hiccups believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practice in a way that protects them. This Policy adheres to LSCB Policies and Procedures which can be found on
- Child Protection Policy and Procedures (PDF)
Last updated May 2023
Little Hiccups recognises that at times things can and do go wrong. The Trustees
believe that it is in everyone’s best interest to resolve complaints and concerns at the earliest possible stage.
This policy is intended to cover all compliments and complaints for Little Hiccups regardless of whether the compliment or complaint is received from Little Hiccups families, from Little Hiccups Trustees or volunteers or from other individuals.
Little Hiccups expresses the difference between a concern and a complaint as: A
concern is defined as “an expression of worry or doubt over an issue considered to be important for which reassurances are sought”. Little Hiccups will resolve concerns through day-to-day communication as far as possible. A complaint is defined as “an expression of dissatisfaction however made, about actions taken or a lack of action”.
Little Hiccups intends to resolve complaints informally where possible, at the earliest possible stage.
- Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure (PDF)
Last updated February 2024
Little Hiccups recognises that colleagues (Committee, volunteers, contractors) gain information about individuals, families and organisations during the course of their work or activities. In most cases such information will not be stated as confidential and colleagues may have to exercise common sense and discretion in identifying whether information is expected to be confidential. This policy aims to give guidance but if in doubt, seek advice from the relevant Committee person. This is the Committee member relevant to the query. For example, Safeguarding, Data Protection. If not certain, the Secretary will be able to guide and advise who would be the best to seek advice from.
- Confidentiality Policy (PDF)
Last updated February 2024
The purpose of this policy is to set out the Little Hiccups commitment and procedures for protecting personal data. Little Hiccups is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, Little Hiccups needs to collect and use certain types of Data in order to carry on our work. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately.
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) governs the use of information about people (personal data). Personal data will only be held in secure, encrypted cloud based applications and includes email, minutes of meetings, membership forms and photographs. Little Hiccups will remain the data controller for the information held. Little Hiccups and volunteers will be personally responsible for processing and using personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation.
Trustees and volunteers running Little Hiccups who have access to personal information, will be expected to read and comply with this policy
- Data Protection Policy and Procedures (PDF)
Last updated Sept 2023
This policy sets out what information Little Hiccups holds, how long we hold it for and when it will be deleted.
It also covers the procedure to follow regarding data requests.
- Information held by us
- How long is personal data held for?
- Where is personal data held?
- How is personal data deleted?
- Access to personal information, correction and deletion
- Data Retention Policy (PDF)
Last updated Sept 2023
The Disciplinary and Grievance Policy is designed to provide a fair, consistent and equitable framework for dealing with disciplinary problems and is designed to help and encourage all Committee, contractors and volunteers to achieve and maintain the required standards. The main purpose of the Disciplinary and Grievance Policy is to encourage improvement in the individual working for Little Hiccups whose conduct or performance is unsatisfactory.
- Discipline and Grievance Policy (PDF)
Last updated February 2024
Little Hiccups Trustees acknowledges the connection between our climate and other environmental crises and the threat of current and potential future homelessness, disease, destruction of biodiversity, food and water shortages and poverty for millions of people around the world and thus its responsibility to reduce its own carbon and environmental footprints.
It therefore recognises its responsibility to reduce its carbon and environmental footprints and formally commits itself to being an environmentally responsible charity.
- Environmental Policy (PDF)
Last updated October 2021
Little Hiccups is committed to meeting the needs and aspirations of service users and communities in a fair, respectful, and proportionate manner. Our approach to diversity and equality is to promote inclusiveness by recognising that anyone, can make a positive difference in the achievement of the organisation’s vision and in the wider society.
The policy is linked to our vision, values and business plans. Strategies and action plans will be used to realise and deliver our policy aims. This is our framework of continuous improvement and learning.
This policy should be read in conjunction with Little Hiccups Discrimination Policy.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (PDF)
Last updated November 2021
As a charity reliant on the donations of individuals and fundraising, Little Hiccups is keen to ensure that money lost through cancellations is kept to an absolute minimum and that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend our events. It is important to be aware that Little Hiccups pays full price for tickets to events and offers the discount to Little Hiccups families at our cost.
- Events Cancellation Policy (PDF)
Last updated September 2023
Little Hiccups Trustees have overall responsibility for health and safety in the organisation, and for ensuring that it fulfills all its legal responsibilities. It recognises that it is the duty of Trustee members and volunteers to uphold this policy and to provide the necessary funds and resources to put it into practice.
Little Hiccups Trustees are committed to ensuring that all its activities are safe and it will do whatever it can to provide for the health, safety and welfare of all volunteers, members and visitors ensuring that risks to volunteers, members and visitors are minimised at all times.
It will observe the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (“HASAWA”) and all relevant regulations and codes of practice made under it.
- Health and Safety Policy (PDF)
Last Updated: September 2023
Child Protection is high on our agenda. The Mobile Phone and Camera Policy will help define clear guidelines to Little Hiccups Trustees, staff and volunteers and give support and guidance in appropriate usage in our Stay n Play, Hydrotherapy and Family Fun Day settings for families and visitors.
- Mobile Phone and Camera Policy (PDF)
Last Updated September 2023
This Policy applies to all staff, including the board of Directors, any paid staff, volunteers, students, contractors and anyone working on behalf of Little Hiccups.
The purpose of this Policy:
- To protect children and young people who receive Little Hiccups’ services. This includes all children of adults who use our services
- To provide Directors, staff and volunteers with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding and child protection;
Little Hiccups believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people and to keep them safe. We are committed to practise in a way that protects them.
- Safeguarding Policy (PDF)
Last updated May 2023
This policy has been devised to protect children from illness and the spread of infection. Little Hiccups children are potentially more vulnerable to contagious disease and extra care and vigilance will need to be taken. It is also to ensure that persons who become unwell whilst using Little Hiccups services (such as Stay n Play, Family Fun Days, Hydrotherapy, etc) are treated with sensitivity and respect.
This Policy applies to anyone who attends Little Hiccups events or services and includes Little Hiccups families, Trustees and volunteers.
- Sickness and Illness Policy (PDF)
Last updated Sept 2023
The Social Media Policy will help define clear guidelines to Little Hiccups Trustees, staff and volunteers and give support and guidance in interacting with our Social Media followers.
Social Media Policy (PDF)
Last updated May 2023
Little Hiccups is committed to providing a safe environment for patients, staff and visitors. This policy will ensure that all toys/games used by children, their families and Little Hiccups volunteers are clean and fit for purpose.
Age appropriate toys and games will be available for Little Hiccups families to use. This policy applies to toys/ games owned by Little Hiccups and used by volunteers and visiting families. Toys which are donated by the public for this purpose must be new and unused of BS standard and appropriate to the age, i.e. no toys with small parts should be given to children under 3 years of age.
This policy must be used in conjunction with other Little Hiccups Infection Control policies and guidelines.
Toy Cleaning Policy (PDF)
Last updated April 2022
Little Hiccups promotes volunteering opportunities. We recognise that there are situations in which help from volunteers can make a significant and appropriate contribution to the work and service objectives of our organisation. This document defines the terms and sets out the principles, practices and procedures that will be followed in the appointment and management of volunteers.
Volunteers can be described as people who put their experience, knowledge and skills at the disposal of an organisation, free of charge, with the primary aim of helping the organisation to achieve its service objectives and/or with the aim of bringing benefit to the local community. Volunteers will be officially accepted and welcomed into the organisation.
- Volunteer Policy (PDF)
Last Updated April 2021
Little Hiccups expects all its Trustees, volunteers and Contractors to uphold the highest level of integrity when working for Little Hiccups. It also encourages all its colleagues (including its trustees, volunteers and contractors) to report any wrongdoing they are concerned about at Little Hiccups. It considers whistleblowing a positive act that is in the interest of the Little Hiccups.
- Whistleblowing Policy (PDF)
Last Updated February 2024
AGM Minutes
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2024 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary’s Report (PDF)
- Treasurer Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2023 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary’s Report (PDF)
- Treasurer Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2022 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary’s Report (PDF)
- Treasurer’s Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2021 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary’s Report (PDF)
- Treasurer’s Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2020 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary’s Report (PDF)
- Treasurer’s Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for July 2019 here (PDF)
- Chairperson’s Report (PDF)
- Secretary Report (PDF)
- Treasurer’s Report (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for May 2018 here (PDF)
Download Little Hiccups AGM Minutes for May 2017 here (PDF)